See Tickets

Descriptions of Coverage

Select the state you reside in to view the appropriate Description of Coverage for this program.

Ticket Protection Additional Information


Since your satisfaction is our priority, we are pleased to give you 10 days to review your plan. If, during this 10-day period, you are not completely satisfied for any reason, you may cancel your plan and receive a full refund. Please note that this refund is only available if you haven’t started your event and if a claim has not been initiated. After this 10-day period, your premium is non-refundable.*

* Some states allow a longer period or provide different terms for refunds. See the full terms and conditions of your plan for details.

PLEASE BE ADVISED: This plan contains insurance benefits (which may include disability and/or health insurance benefits) that only apply during the covered trip. This optional coverage may duplicate coverage already provided by your personal auto, home, renter’s, health, life, personal liability, or other insurance policy or source of coverage but may be subject to different restrictions. You should review the terms of this policy with your existing coverage. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer/health plan or insurance agent/broker. This insurance is not required to purchase any other products/services. Unless licensed, travel retailers and their employees may provide general information about the insurance, including a description of coverage and price, but are not qualified/authorized to answer technical questions about terms, benefits, exclusions, and conditions of the insurance or evaluate the adequacy of existing coverage. Plans are intended for U.S. residents only and may not be available in all jurisdictions.

Event Ticket Protection is underwritten by the following: In Alaska, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky and Michigan by Generali U.S. Branch, New York, NY; NAIC # 11231. In California by Applied Assurance Company, Omaha, NE; NAIC # 21962. In Connecticut, Maine and Oklahoma by Pennsylvania Insurance Company, Omaha, NE; NAIC #21962. In all other states by Continental Indemnity Company, Omaha, NE; NAIC # 28258.